multicolor fleck coatings
m u l t i c o l o r f l e c k c o a t i n g s
" Paint the Earth, one Fleck at a Time "
We have Zolatone & Polomyx colors on file
Luminations, Metal, and Counterpoint as well
US Sales: 954-715-4512
Airless Sprayer
Equipment Required
Airless sprayer with air pressure controls
Large spray tip (.521 or larger)
Remove the filters from the gun and the pump
High Pressure Large Tip
This type of spray equipment is not recommended for optimal results.
Large fleck patterns cannot be achieved using airless equipment.
Only use Airless sprayer on very large, time sensitive projects and with colors that display a very small fleck size.
you Must remove all filters from the unit including the gun and the pump.
Make sure the customer approves a sample or mock-up that has been done with Airless equipment.
Thinning the material may be required. Reduce with 10-15% water.
Prepration of the Surface
When using Airless spray equipment there are no specific alterations to the surface preparation that are outlined in the product specifications.
Application Method
When using Airless equipment, Roxatone is applied using the 2 step method. The first step (coat) is called the: Shear Coat and the second step (coat) is called the: Pattern Coat.
Shear Coat
Set air pressure for shear coat between 1200 - 1400 psi
Apply Roxatone with a cross-hatch method using horizontal or vertical strokes for the Shear Coat then reverse for the Pattern Coat.
Apply material approximately 12 - 18 inches away from the surface at a 90 degree angle to the wall.
Avoid pointing the spray gun up or down or to the side when applying Roxatone. Keep arm and gun pointed straight at the surface.
It is important to coat 100% of the surface for the step. There should be no primer or basecoat exposed after the Shear Coat is applied.
Allow first coat to become tacky or to dry completely before moving on to the Pattern Coat.
The Shear Coat is applied using high air pressure and low material pressure. It is intended to provide a durable base and will not display an accurate fleck size or pattern.
Pattern Coat
The Pattern Coat is applied using lower air pressure and slightly higher material pressure. This coat will install the Roxatone pattern and with a larger fleck size than the first coat.
Set air pressure to the lowest setting on the unit
Apply Pattern Coat with a cross-hatch method reversing stroke direction used for the for Shear Coat.
Apply material approximately 24 - 36 inches away from the surface at a 90 degree angle to the wall.
Avoid pointing the spray gun up or down or to the side when applying Roxatone. Keep arm and gun pointed straight at the surface to keep proper fleck shape.
When applying this step it is not necessary to coat 100% of the surface, if the coverage is between 75 - 100% the pattern will match the approved sample.
The Pattern Coat is a heavier coat and will take longer to dry than the first coat.